Frequently Asked Questions

A Shed is a community workspace, like a typical shed in your garden, but bigger and better equipped.
Looe Shedders aim to provide a really big shed, where our male and female members, known as Shedders, will have space to meet like-minded people and find new friends to enrich their lives.
A space where they can learn new skills, such as wood turning, gardening, crafting, computing or furniture restoration to name just a few.
Where they can just sit and chat in a friendly, social environment, or choose to contribute their skills to local community work.
A space that helps tackle social isolation and loneliness within our population, that reflects what our members want it to become.
Just imagine a garden shed, but turbocharged and full of new friends.

At the moment, we meet in St Martin's church hall, Looe on the second Saturday of the month.
We have been unable to find suitable premises, so we are planning to build our own Shed, in a field that belongs to the parish.

There is a need for a place that enables local people to develop new interests and some practical skills, with the added benefit of delivering some tangible benefits to our community.
Satisfying this need will also help to offset the negative impact of loneliness and isolation on individual health and wellbeing.
Looe Shedders was formed to help deliver such benefits and the Shed we intend to build at St. Martin’s will provide the necessary facilities.
This new community space will enable lasting friendships to be formed, as new interests and skills are provided by members sharing their know-how in a well equipped workshop.
Local benefits will be delivered through community work and this could range from litter picking to ground clearance; from constructing furniture or other useful items for local groups to the operation of a Looe Repair Café.
That’s Looe Shedders!

Anyone who lives in Looe and surrounding areas are welcome.
Although some Sheds are for Men only, Looe Shed welcomes both men and women
Because of the nature of the activities, you’ll need to be at least 18.

Until we have premises, we are limited to meeting and talking at our monthly get togethers
We do have occasional social events such as Barbecues in the summer or mince pies and mulled wine at Christmas, for example
We also arrange community projects such as gardening or litter picking etc.

No, but most of the people that attend are retired.
This is because a life after employment can be difficult and people often feel that they’ve lost their sense of purpose and place in the world.
They can miss the routine and camaraderie between colleagues that often comes with working life.
This can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation which can be dangerous for their health and wellbeing.
However, recognising that age isn’t the only factor in loneliness and isolation, and that there is more to a Shed, for example sharing skills, informal learning and enjoyment, Looe shed welcomes younger members.

Anyone visiting for the first time is welcome free of charge.
After that should you wish to join, we currently charge £2 per meeting to cover the costs of hot drinks and biscuits.
Other events (e.g. Barbecue on the beach) may have a small charge to cover the cost of food, fuel, etc..

You can come to one of our monthly meetings and complete a membership application form.
Or you can fill in the online application form here

Not at all, no need for any particular skills or expertise.
However, if you do have any skills or experience that you would like to share, that would be good too.

Not if you don't want to.
If you enjoy watching or just chatting, that's fine
The Shed is intended to be as much a social space as a workshop.