

Looe Shedders Community Projects In chronological order from May 2024 to date

Wall montage for

Hillcrest Nursing Home

Staff wanted to recreate a seaside ambiance for the residents of Hillcrest to help bring back memories of happy times they’ve had with familes on the beach.  Looe Shedders installed this montage which provides the setting for deckchairs, seagull sounds, fish and chips and ice cream.

Church services cross for

Hillcrest Nursing Home

Looe Shedders made this cross for residents of Hillcrest Nursing Home so staff could hold services for residents that can’t get to church.

Playground tractor for

Trenode Primary School

After making a playground bus for Looe Primary School Looe Shedders was asked to make this playground tractor for Trenode Primary School.   It’s made from recycled material including a cable drum, scaffold planks, decking and lawnmower steering wheels.

Wendy house for

Trenode Primary School

This wendy house was rotting in the Donkey Field when we retrieved it and started refurbishment. Progress is very slow as we have to work in the car park and are herefore dependent on the weather. Here’s hoping for a better summer this year.

Maintenance activities for

St. Martin’s Community Hall

Hall maintenance and running costs are not cheap, so Looe Shedders has provided both labour and materials at no cost for the following: Cleaned off and sealed cemetery gates Replaced leaking old boiler room tap Cut back large hedge along car park Removed defective smoke alarms Resealed boiler flue outlet pipe Made and fitted a new door for the tin shack out of recycled materials Refitted loose chair rubbers in the hall Fixed red chairs in the small meeting room Cleared Donkey field of debris so it can be easily flailed Cut back the main path to the hall front door Secured a free advert for the hall in the 2025 Looe Tide Tables


Keeping wide path up to rear door clear of debris and foliage Clearing weeds from around building Tidying small garden


Replacing broken handrail at side of building

3rd World Stove for Ukraine

This stove was donated to Looe Shedders and it seemed appropriate to pass it on to somewhere it would be really needed. So, courtesy of Looe Lions, it is now just behind the lines in Ukraine.
Looe Shedders Community Projects In chronological order from May 2024 to date

Wall montage for

Hillcrest Nursing Home

Staff wanted to recreate a seaside ambiance for the residents of Hillcrest to help bring back memories of happy times they’ve had with familes on the beach.  Looe Shedders installed this montage which provides the setting for deckchairs, seagull sounds, fish and chips and ice cream.

Church services cross for

Hillcrest Nursing Home

Looe Shedders made this cross for residents of Hillcrest Nursing Home so staff could hold services for residents that can’t get to church.

Playground tractor for

Trenode Primary School

After making a playground bus for Looe Primary School Looe Shedders was asked to make this playground tractor for Trenode Primary School.   It’s made from recycled material including a cable drum, scaffold planks, decking and lawnmower steering wheels.

Wendy house for

Trenode Primary School

This wendy house was rotting in the Donkey Field when we retrieved it and started refurbishment. Progress is very slow as we have to work in the car park and are herefore dependent on the weather. Here’s hoping for a better summer this year.

Maintenance activities for

St. Martin’s Community Hall

Hall maintenance and running costs are not cheap, so Looe Shedders has provided both labour and materials at no cost for the following: Cleaned off and sealed cemetery gates Replaced leaking old boiler room tap Cut back large hedge along car park Removed defective smoke alarms Resealed boiler flue outlet pipe Made and fitted a new door for the tin shack out of recycled materials Refitted loose chair rubbers in the hall Fixed red chairs in the small meeting room Cleared Donkey field of debris so it can be easily flailed Cut back the main path to the hall front door Secured a free advert for the hall in the 2025 Looe Tide Tables


Keeping wide path up to rear door clear of debris and foliage Clearing weeds from around building Tidying small garden


Replacing broken handrail at side of building

Our Sponsors

3rd World Stove for Ukraine

This stove was donated to Looe Shedders and it seemed appropriate to pass it on to somewhere it would be really needed. So, courtesy of Looe Lions, it is now just behind the lines in Ukraine.