Looe Shedders Community Projects
Not yet started
As we do not have access to suitable premises for “mucky” work which has to be carried out in the
hall car park, we are awaiting some decent weather and available time and resources
to tackle the projects below.
Note that the loss of tools stolen last year has put a severe dent in our timescales
Potting shed and raised flower beds for Kernow Health
The Kernow Health Mental Wellbeing project have rented an allotment at St. Martin’s which will focus on the recovery and empowerment
of people and assists them to take control of their own wellbeing.
Looe Shedders have secured a free shed for them and are sourcing recycled materials for the construction of raised flower beds.
Play house for Looe Primary School
Publicity for the Wendy House refurbishment led to the offer of a free large playhouse which we will collect, refurbish and deliver to the
Phonebox refurb for Morval Parish Council
The council have a red telephone box that needs painting (although it is missing the door) and are struggling to find a contractor to do
We have agreed to tackle the refurbishment for them.
Raised flower beds for Looe Primary School
We continue to support our local schools and these raised flower beds will be really appreciated by the children.
Wooden railings for Barbican Pre-School
The pre-school has been obliged to fence off part of their outside play area as rot in one of the fences has made the area unsafe.
We hope to tackle this early 2025.
Scenery construction for Looe Theatre group
That’s all we know at the moment. More to follow.