Looe Shedder & Ebron Studios
Working together to benefit our community
With Your Support Let's Build the
Looe Creative Hub!
Looe Shedders, in partnership with Ebron Studios, are embarking on an exciting journey to create the Looe Creative Hub. A purpose-built, eco-friendly
hub at the top of West Looe Hill, opposite the boatyard and with your support, we can bring this vision to life!
Addressing a Vital Need
Our community faces a growing issue of loneliness and social isolation.
This innovative facility aims to combat these challenges by providing
spaces where people can work, socialise, and thrive together.
A Home for All
The creative hub will cater to people of all ages and backgrounds, including
young people, individuals with disabilities, micro traders, artists, and
entrepreneurs. Many are currently missing out on job opportunities, skill
development, and routes to market due to a lack of space and training.
A Unique, Engaging Hub
While other organisations address loneliness with social activities, the Looe
Creative Hub will offer something truly unique. By removing barriers and
increasing access to opportunities, we aim to create an inclusive, accessible
environment where businesses can grow, creativity can flourish, and
social connections can be strengthened.
Empowering Our Community
Our hub will be a place where skills and experiences are valued. Here, people can feel useful again by contributing to the community or
developing their creative practices. It's more than just a space, it's a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of togetherness.
And the best bit… Looe Shedders will pay peppercorn rent and
Ebron Studios will be a non-profit company,
so no huge bills for users.
But now…We Need Your Support
Help us make the Looe Creative Hub a reality by adding your support to our planning application.
Application No. PA25/00471
Proposed creative hub, craft workshops and community shed with ground mounted solar PV panels
and associated access and landscaping works
Land North West Of Unit 6 At Portlooe Boatyard West Looe Hill West Looe Cornwall PL13 2HZ
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